Marketing. Marketing. Marketing.

Here's My Book Cover
Whoever thought I would have to take on marketing? Well, I guess I did but was in denial.
Before I let my publisher go, I thought she would help me with marketing and give me some ideas, but I knew that she probably knew as much as me. Deep down inside, I knew that I would be the one to handle my own book.
Sure, I set up my Facebook page, Twitter account, and website. That’s not enough because they only hit the tip of the iceberg. There’s so much more to do.
I found that I can’t be shy . . . I have to put myself out there with emails and phone calls and requests. That’s part of it.
I have not hired anyone yet because I wanted to get my website in order and my book corrected. I also wanted to see what I could do on my own. Well, the website is ready to go, and the book is corrected, and I’m learning tools that will help me with marketing.
Believe me, I will end up hiring a PR specialist. It’s coming real soon.
The road of self-publishing is hard. I’ve had to swallow my pride many times and look at my mistakes, but I’ve also had many victories. I’ve learned so much about my writing, about publishing, and now about marketing. Well, I have much more to learn about marketing.
It’s a great path, and I’m glad I’m on it.
January 31st, 2012
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ellencardona12 |
Marketing |
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I’m finally back to my second book, Raven’s Return. Yes, I’m going back and changing some parts of it and re-doing the first chapter. What a relief.
The best part about this book is that I am now confident in my writing and voice. It feels great to be back in the heads of Raven and her soul-mate, Alex.
There are parts in the book where I lost my voice based on advice from others, and I cringe when I read it. I’m going back to my original plan and my original voice.
Always listen to your gut. It will tell you what to do.
January 26th, 2012
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ellencardona12 |
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I still cannot believe that I’m going through Brownie Fix and correcting small errors. Thank goodness, I found a very good copy editor.
Lesson Learned: never edit your own stuff and never let anyone change your text to the point that you end up editing what they’ve added. Believe me, this will up in a total disaster and a loss of your voice and book.
My main concern is to finish up housekeeping by the end of January and then start plugging away at marketing.
I’m very confident about Brownie Fix, and it’s time to get started again with marketing . . . now that the book is cleaned up.
January 24th, 2012
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ellencardona12 |
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Yep. I can do it.
If I can run 26.2 miles in the pouring rain and then have surgery two days later, I can do it.
I’m talking about my book Brownie Fix and and marketing it.
These last five months, I’ve learned about publishing, and even though my book has been out for five months, I feel like it’s ready now. I’m fixing the minor typo’s and getting it out again.
These last five months, I’ve only cracked the top of the iceberg for marketing. There’s so much that I don’t know but am learning. I’m very excited and eager to start marketing Brownie Fix.
Brownie Fix is my trial and error book so that when my next book, Raven’s Return, comes out, I’ll know how to publish and how to market.
I plan on releasing Raven’s Return during the summer.
I’m so excited for this year. I know that it’s up to me to take the initiative and learn how to market.
When I start feeling a little down, all I have to do is look at my marathon medal and the cover of Brownie Fix.
I can do it.
January 8th, 2012
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ellencardona12 |
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It’s a new year, and I’m going to concentrate on gratitude this year.
Last year, I just wanted the year to come to an end very quickly. However, December brought everything into focus, and my perspective changed. It’s amazing how the universe works itself out. It just took one event to bring it into focus again and make me think again about what is going on in my life.
That one event involved getting my hearing back in my right ear. It had been fading for over two years. I was to the point that when I entered a conversation, I would have major anxiety that I could not understand the person talking, and then I would talk over them because I was so anxious.
If it wasn’t for my little girl breaking her elbow and having two surgeries and thus meeting our high deductible, then I would never had my hearing checked. I just could not believe that I could have my hearing fixed with an operation. Sometimes I wonder if the universe has a plan for us, and we have to figure out which path we want.
We do have choices, but we need the initiative to make them.
This year, I want to concentrate on gratitude and slowing down to appreciate what life has given me: good times and bad.
January 6th, 2012
Posted by
ellencardona12 |
Gratitude |
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