Quit Complaining.
I’m destroying my first draft, which is what I should do as a writer when I work on the second draft. Really, it’s my middle section that I am re-writing. The vision is still true, but the writing is more cohesive, and the strings are there. For the third draft, the plot will remain the same, but I will spend more time on the detail or get rid of it if there is too much. It’s a process. It’s not easy and requires patience. If only the Muse existed, and I could invoke her to tell my tale. The reality: the Muse does not exist. It’s just hard work.
April 16th, 2010
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ellencardona12 |
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Fodder for a writer–that’s right, fodder. There are times when, sometimes, as an adult, the insecurities of childhood rear their ugly heads. It could be something as a simple phrase or even one word, but the insecurities rise. What to do? Get over it? Not for a writer. We simply use the insecurities, the emotion that comes with it, and translate into our plots. At least that’s what I do if I’m hit, literally, with some drama from my childhood. Rather than stewing over it or calling my friends or therapist, I write about it and give that insecurity to one of my characters or I’ll place it in the plot to cause controversy. Thank you for the drama from our poisonous acquaintances because it becomes fodder and then transforms into beautiful ideas and then words. That’s what we do as writers. That’s what I do.
April 12th, 2010
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ellencardona12 |
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A chapter a day keeps the anxiety away. All I ask is for one chapter. Come on. Actually, I thought I only had 15 chapters, but I have 21 chapters. I’m half way there. Yesterday, I deleted one chapter and combined two others. I wonder what the second draft will look like when I’m finished. It’s much better than the first draft. I wonder what the third draft will look like: more strings running through that were dropped. Come on. Let’s go.

Come on. Get it done.
April 9th, 2010
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ellencardona12 |
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Yuck. My first draft is not very good. I’m still working on my second draft, and my deadline is to finish up by the end of April. So far, as it should be, the second draft is much better. I can’t wait to get this second draft done, then I can really start polishing up that third draft. How many drafts will it take? For me, probably three, and then off to some test readers, and then another polish for the fourth draft. You never know, though. Who said writing was easy? Well, it wasn’t a writer.

I'm waiting for my chapters. Let's move it.
April 6th, 2010
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ellencardona12 |
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The “reward system” works. At least, it works for me. The goal today is to finish one chapter and then off to get a manicure. It’s a system of putting little carrots in front of me for motivation. The second draft is going well, and when I finish the second draft, then it’s a well-deserved big reward. Now, I’m off to finish that chapter.

Come On and Finish That Chapter
April 1st, 2010
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ellencardona12 |
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