The Paranoid Writer

When Life Gets in the Way

My Favorite Writing Tool


I’ve been getting ready for my July blog tour and answering interview questions and writing blog posts.

One of the interviewers asked me to name my favorite writing tool. Well, that tool’s name is Kirby.

No, Kirby is not my computer but my dog, a not so small dog that sits in my lap in the morning and stares out the window and occasionally starts growling when he sees a dog outside.

When I’m writing my posts, he sits in my lap, and when I’m editing Raven’s Return, he sits in my lap.

He’s like my conscious that tells me to write. Of course, when he’s in my lap, I don’t want to get up because I’ll disturb him. I guess he makes me sit still at the computer.

Kirby is a rescue dog, and I thought he was going to be a little Shih Tzu, you know the kind you can carry around in a sling bag. After all, he was emaciated the day my family got him. My vet nursed him back to health from parvo, the killing disease for puppies.

He survived, and he kept growing and growing. In fact, I had to cut up, via Flashdance, the shirts I bought him because he was growing out of them.

The end result is a 19 pound Shih Tzu, a big Alpha dog.

So . . . my best writing tool is not a what but a who.  It’s my not so little Kirby, and I’m lucky to have him.



June 9th, 2012 Posted by | Uncategorized, Writing Tools | no comments

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