The Paranoid Writer

When Life Gets in the Way

Setting Up Advertising

I’ve just set up an advertising campaign with Google Adwords to see if I can get Brownie Fix generated in adds to various websites.  There’s only so much you can do on Facebook with your friends knowing friends knowing friends. You have to break out of that circle and try to push the book. Whew. It’s work, and work that I knew had to do on my own with or without a publisher.

I’m getting itchy about my next book and cleaning it up. I’ve been spending so much time trying get the word out through contacting blogs, book reviewers, and book clubs that I have not had time to write. That’s what happens when you self-publish. You have to divide your time between publisher and writer. If I can get the hang of the balancing act and a lucky break, I think Brownie Fix is going to do quite well.

September 16th, 2011 Posted by | Patience | no comments

My Website Rocks

I did some research on how to market my first book, and the hard work has paid off in success. I’m selling copies of Brownie Fix before the launch date of September 12th, and my website has turned from something that looked great to something that looks spectacular. I can’t wait for Brownie Fix to launch on September 12.  Visit my website at, to check out a free chapter and links to where Brownie Fix is sold.

September 5th, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | no comments

Want an Early Copy?

Launch date is not until September 12th, but here are the links for early copies of Brownie Fix on paperback or ebook:

For the paperback and Kindle on Amazon:
For Nook:
For iBook:


September 2nd, 2011 Posted by | Uncategorized | no comments