The Paranoid Writer

When Life Gets in the Way


I can’t believe it’s been more than a month since I last blogged. Where does the time go? I really can’t tell you. I am still waiting on the formatting for Brownie Fix. On Monday, I sent my publisher edits to the formatting and edits for typo’s. I still cannot believe that I found some typo’s, but it is a good thing I did.

I’ve been researching how to put books on Amazon with CreateSpace and Kindle. I’m feeling much better that you can order the proof of the book and review it before it is published. With Kindle, the formatting is completely different. There are no page numbers or margins. The web browser will set the margins. It’s all done with a HTML file. My publisher is formatting now, but I still want to learn how exactly how it is done.

I am not the most technical person, but I have some good back up in my house for any technical questions. It’s really interesting, and I can see why so many people go the route of self-publishing.

It’s hard to believe that I signed a contract in October and am still working on the book. It’s a long process and one not to be underestimated.

I am very confident that the book will come out, but at the moment I am getting a little nervous about what the book will look like.

July 6th, 2011 Posted by | Uncertainty | no comments

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